Staying within Your Budget When Starting a Spa
If you’ve finally decided to start a spa, congratulations! You’ve taken a big step toward your future goals. It will be difficult, of course, and will take a lot of work, but if you keep at it, you’re sure to find success.
That being said, one major obstacle you always want to avoid is going over budget, especially when you first start out. Going over budget is never a good idea, but it can be particularly hazardous when you’re just getting your feet off the ground.
Unfortunately, there can be sizable overhead in starting a salon. You need to consider all the staff you’ll have to hire for one, the rent on the building you’ll use and all the equipment you’ll need.
To cover your bases when you first start out, begin by making a list of all the services you wish to provide. From there, you can start deciding the number of employees you’ll need and the supplies and equipment necessary.
So, for example, if you determined you want to give back massages, you’ll need a masseuse. You’ll also want the oils and lotions they use to soothe their clients. The only salon furniture you’ll really need is a spa massage table. Once you have this written down, price it out and you’ll know how much it will cost you to give massages and, thus, how much you’ll need to charge.
Article submitted by Comfort Soul. The company sells all kinds of pedicure chairs for your business to use.