The Concepts Behind a Detox
Written by: Blender Babes
Detox diets, which may include detox juice recipes, are trendy at the moment. So trendy, in fact, that there is a ton of misinformation floating around about what a detox is and the benefits one may have on your body.
Your body is a natural detox machine. It’s constantly trying to cleanse all the bad toxins that slip into our bodies, but we don’t really know all the time whether those functions are working as they should be. So a detox is part of a healthy way to support your body’s already-functioning systems.
When we think of keeping clean, most of us probably think about our morning rituals. Getting up, getting into the shower, washing ourselves (possibly with anti-bacterial soap) and brushing our teeth. But there is an entire system at work cleaning out our bodies too. Our internal organs metabolize and excrete all the toxins in our bodies, and it’s not an easy process. Blender recipes that use healthy ingredients like raw vegetables are helping our bodies fortify against attack.
Mixing these recipes also ups the amount of natural foods in our bodies. This keeps energy reserves high, because our food is packed with nutrients and cooked well. Preservatives in fast food especially provide a false sense of nourishment. We crave the taste of some of these foods, but our bodies can’t do much with the calories consumed. All the aspects of those unhealthy diets leave waste behind that our bodies struggle to process. Natural foods help us to flush some of that out of our system.
How Detox Works
A detox can vary treatment to treatment, but there are some basic rules that always hold true. Although many detoxes have a strict diet, there is often breathing room within those requirements. Take Vitamix recipes, for instance. You might find salad dressings, bread dough, cocktails and smoothies that all fit your dietary plan. You’re not usually limited to the age-old boiled veggies and bland proteins.
Detox diets may also add to your shopping list, but in ways that were unexpected. For a detox to work to its fullest, you may have to change some of your eating habits for the long term. Sometimes it means fresher foods or specialty items, which can add to your grocery bill. Making the transition to a healthier lifestyle will help you save on groceries too. You’ll find that you can cook using ingredients you may have bought for your detox, which has lasting effects on the rest of your life.
Bio: Blender Babes is on a mission to make it easier for everyone to live a healthy lifestyle. To learn more about weight loss programs, and which foods are best for your diet, visit Blender Babes.